Privacy Policy

Information on the protection of personal data (privacy policy) customers / website users / app users / call center

This document describes how Bianchi Industry S.p.A. manages the processing of personal data of visitors and users of its website pursuant to Article 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 “Personal Data Protection Code” – and of the EU Regulation 679/2016 “General Regulation on Data Protection” (GRDP) applicable as of 25 May 2018. The processing of personal data is always based on principles of lawfulness and propriety in compliance with all current regulations and appropriate security measures are adopted to protect it.
This information is provided with reference to the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. website only and not to other websites (which are independent data controllers thus please refer to their websites) that may be consulted by the user through links, except for sites owned by the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. Group.
To this end, the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. Group provides the following information:

About us

The Bianchi Industry S.p.A. Group (henceforth the “Company”) undertakes to pay the utmost attention to the security and confidentiality of the personal data of its customers.
The Company is the data controller of the personal data collected on its websites, apps, or by the Company.

What kind of personal data may be collected

The following categories of personal data may be collected:
Contact information – iname, place and date of birth, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address.
Interests – information you provide us about your interests, including the products you are interested in.
Other personal information – information you provide us regarding your date of birth and/or professional situation.
Use of the website – information on how you use the website, open or forward our communications, including information collected via cookies (see our Cookie Policy).

How we collect your personal data

The Company collects and processes your personal data in the following circumstances:
– if you register on the website;
– if you contact us in order to request after-sales assistance, business information, and/or product and service related information provided by us;
– if you respond to our marketing campaigns, for example by filling out a response form, or by entering data on one of our websites.

If you provide personal data on behalf of someone else you must make sure, in advance, that the data subject has read this Privacy Policy

Please help us keep your personal information up-to-date and inform us of any changes.

The purposes for which your personal data may be used

The processing of personal data must be legitimated by one of the legal requirements of the current legislation on the protection of personal data, that is:

a) Operational management and purposes closely related to it in order to grant access to personal areas or subscribe to specific events

The Company collects your contact information and usage data on the website to enable you to access your Personal Area in order to: (i) download documents relating to the services you have purchased; (ii) register for an event you wish to attend (henceforth the “Event”).
Prerequisite for processing: fulfilment of contractual obligations.
The provision of data is mandatory to respond to your requests; without your information we will not be able to provide the service or product requested.

b) Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The Company may use your Contact Information to conduct surveys to measure the level of customer satisfaction relating to the service provided.

Prerequisite for processing: the consent of the data subject; the failure to provide it does not affect the contractual relationship. Your consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in this letter b) is optional but refusing to provide consent will prevent the forwarding of communications by the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. Group for such purposes.
In any case, you may request that this information not be processed at any time, by making a simple and informal request to Bianchi Industry S.p.A. at
Your consent may be revoked at any time.

c) Marketing to meet your needs and to provide promotional offers also in line with your preferences

The Company may process your contact details, interests and other personal data for marketing and advertising purposes, aimed at informing you about promotional sales initiatives, carried out through automated methods (like e-mail, text messages and other mass-mailing tools) and traditional methods (like a phone call by a representative). Other purposes may include market research and statistical surveys, where you give us your consent for the processing of your personal data within the limits of what is described in each case.

Prerequisite for processing: the consent of the data subject; failure to provide it does not affect the contractual relationship . Your consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in this letter c) is optional and refusing will not affect the contractual relationship but will prevent the forwarding of communications by the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. Group for such purposes.
In any case, you may request that this information not be processed at any time, by making a simple and informal request to Bianchi Industry S.p.A at

Your consent may be revoked at any time.

d) After-sales service, information on products and other services strictly related to the product

The Company may process your contact details for business purposes and/or after-sales assistance, for information on the product or other services requested strictly related to the product.
Prerequisite for processing: the consent of the data subject. Your consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes referred to in this letter d) is optional and any refusal may have consequences on contractual relations, not allowing after-sales assistance services.
In any case, you may request that this information not be processed at any time, by making a simple and informal request to Bianchi Industry S.p.A. at
Your consent may be revoked at any time.

e) Compliance with legally binding requests to fulfil an obligation provided for by the law, regulations, or provisions of the judicial authority, as well as to defend a right in court
The Company collects your contact details to fulfil a legal obligation and/or to defend its rights in court if necessary.
Prerequisite for processing: legal obligations for the Company. The consent to the processing of personal data is compulsory. Failure to provide your consent will make it impossible to continue the contractual relationship with the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. Group.

How we keep your personal information secure

The Company uses a wide range of up to standard security measures to maintain the security, integrity, and accessibility of your personal data.
All your personal data is stored on our secure servers (or secure paper copies) or on those of our suppliers or our business partners, and are accessible and usable according to our standards and security policies (or equivalent standards for our suppliers or business partners).

How long we store your personal information

We retain your personal data only for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected or for any other legitimate related purpose. Therefore, if personal data is processed for multiple different purposes, we will keep the data until the expiration of the purpose with the longest storage period. However, we will no longer process personal data for the purposes for which the storage period has expired.
We limit access to your personal data only to those who need to use it for relevant purposes.
Your personal data that is no longer needed, or for which there is no longer a legal requirement for its storage, is irreversibly anonymised (and thus eligible to be stored) or destroyed in a secure manner.
The following are the storage times in relation to the different purposes listed above:

a) Fulfilment of contractual obligations: the data processed to fulfil any contractual obligation may be kept for the entire duration of the contract and in any case for no more than 10 years following its termination, for the purpose of verifying any outstanding matters including accounting documents (for example invoices).

b) Operational management and purposes strictly related to it to access the website: the data processed for this purpose may be kept for the duration of the contract and in any case for no more than 10 years following its termination.

c) Purposes of customer satisfaction surveys: the data processed for this purpose may be kept for 24 months from the date on which we obtained your last consent for that purpose (with the exception of the request not to receive further communications).

d) Marketing purposes: personal data processed for marketing purposes may be kept for 24 months from the date on which we obtained your last consent for that purpose (with the exception of the request not to receive further communications).

e) In the event of disputes: in the event we must defend ourselves or advance claims against you or third parties, we may retain the personal data that we reasonably deem necessary for such purposes for the time necessary.


Your personal data may be accessed by duly authorized employees, as well as external suppliers, appointed, if necessary, as data controllers, which provide support for the provision of services.
Your personal data may also be accessed by other companies controlled by the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. group, for purposes related to the management of the IT infrastructure on the basis of specific contractual agreements or, with your consent, (see letters b and c above) for marketing purposes.
Please contact us at if you wish to see the list of data controllers and other subjects with whom we share your data.


The data controller can be contacted at: If you have any questions regarding our processing of your personal data, please contact the data controller directly at the address above.
If you wish to contact the marketing and communications department for complaints, reports or other information, please write to:
For requests relating to after-sales assistance, sales and/or technical information on the product, and for other services provided by us, please visit or call +39 035.452.9111, and request to speak with the Marketing Department.


Under certain conditions you have the right to:
• access your personal data,
• obtain a copy of the personal data that you have provided us (so-called portability),
• correct the data in our possession,
• obtain the deletion of any data for which we no longer have any legal prerequisite for processing,
• oppose the processing where required by applicable law,
• withdraw your consent, in the event that the processing of your data is based on your consent;
• set limitations on the way in which we process your personal data, within the limits established by the law for the protection of personal data.

The exercise of these rights is subject to certain exceptions aimed at safeguarding the public interest (for example the prevention or identification of crimes) and our legitimate interests. In the event that you exercise any of the aforementioned rights, it will be our responsibility to verify that you are entitled to exercise it and we will provide you with a reply within the time limits allowed by law.

Requests should be sent via e-mail to the address:

Or by mail to: Bianchi Industry S.p.A., Corso Africa 9, Verdellino loc. Zingonia (BG).

We will make every effort to respond to your concerns regarding any complaints or reports on how we process your data. However, if you wish, you can forward your complaints or reports to the Italian Data Protection Authority, using the relevant contact details: Italian Data Protection Authority – Piazza di Monte Citorio no. 121 – 00186 ROME.


The Data Controller reserves the right to modify or simply update the contents of this policy, in part or completely, including due to changes in the Applicable Regulations. The Data Controller therefore invites you to regularly visit this section for information on the most recent and updated version so that you are always up to date on the data collected and its use by the Bianchi Industry S.p.A. All changes will be binding as soon as they are published on the Website.